This page provides an alphabetical list of the IRIX 6.5 software shipped by Silicon Graphics at the time of the base 6.5 operating system release. You can use this page to look up the CD location, size, or full name of individual products.
Note: Subject to change; some software may not be listed here. Also, this index is for the 6.5 base operating system only. It does not include any 6.5.x product information. 6.5.4 listings are on the CD Contents page.
LISTING KEY Software Name: Full Product Name, CD Name Approximate Product Size (Kbytes) |
Note: The CD names that appear in all capital letters are the core IRIX 6.5 CDs; asterisks (*) indicate other types of CDs for 6.5. Different configurations receive different CD packages, and some software is sold separately.
4Dwm: Desktop Window Manager, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 481 Kbytes
accessx: Access for Movement-Impaired Users, 1.0 6.5 APPLICATIONS 270 Kbytes
acrobat: Adobe Acrobat Reader, 3.01 6.5 APPLICATIONS 7136 Kbytes
annotator: IRIS Annotator 1.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 22928 Kbytes
appletalk: Xinet Macintosh Connectivity 9.02 6.5 APPLICATIONS 8526 Kbytes
arraysvcs: Array Services 3.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1048 Kbytes
aso: Audio/Serial Option Card Serial Support 1.3 for Audio Serial Option* 537 Kbytes
aso_audio: Audio/Serial Option Card Audio Support 1.3 for Audio Serial Option* 451 Kbytes
c++_dev: C++ Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 11054 Kbytes
c++_eoe: Std. Exec. Environ. (C++ Headers & Libraries, 7.2.1) FOUNDATION 1 973 Kbytes
CaseVision: CASEVision Environment, Version 2.6.5 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 2024 Kbytes
cms_dev: Color Management Software 2.0.5 Development DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 445 Kbytes
cms_eoe: Color Management 2.0.5 6.5 APPLICATIONS 3101 Kbytes
compiler_dev: Base Compiler Development Environment, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 39102 Kbytes
compiler_eoe: IRIX Standard Execution Environment (Base Compiler Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1) FOUNDATION 1 20954 Kbytes
complib_dev: CHALLENGEComplib, 3.1.1 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 76182 Kbytes
complib_eoe: CHALLENGEComplib Execution Environment, 3.1.1 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 78814 Kbytes
cosmocreate: Cosmo Create Authoring Environment, 1.0.3 6.5 APPLICATIONS 9623 Kbytes
cosmoplayer: Cosmo Player VRML Viewer 2.1 for IRIX 6.3, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 4213 Kbytes
custlink: CustomerLink Client Software, 2.2.3 6.5 APPLICATIONS 4848 Kbytes
c_dev: C Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 2261 Kbytes
demos: Demonstration Programs, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 235436 Kbytes
demos_O2: O2 Demonstration Programs, 1.2 O2 Demos* 414384 Kbytes
demos_octane: OCTANE Demonstration Programs, 1.2 Octane Demos* 479967 Kbytes
desktop_base: IRIX Interactive Desktop Base Software, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 3956 Kbytes
desktop_eoe: IRIX Interactive Desktop, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 5853 Kbytes
desktop_tools: Desktop Tools, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1102 Kbytes
dev: Development System, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 22735 Kbytes
divo: DIVO Video Execution Environment, 1.1 for IRIX 6.5 DIVO Video Execution Environment* 6628 Kbytes
dmedia_dev: Digital Media Development Environment, 6.5 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 26575 Kbytes
dmedia_eoe: Digital Media Execution Environment, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 89064 Kbytes
dps_eoe: Display PostScript/X, 2.0.8 based on PostScript Level 2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2571 Kbytes
dvdr: Device Driver, 4.1 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 3601 Kbytes
dynaweb: Dynaweb (InSight to HTML), 3.1a 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2231 Kbytes
elec_svcs: Customer Support Services Base Software, Rel. 2.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 332 Kbytes
eoe: IRIX Execution Environment, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 284757 Kbytes
evo: OCTANE Personal Video Execution Environment, 6.5 OCTANE Personal Video Execution Environment* 19080 Kbytes
fddivis: FDDIVisualyzer, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 393 Kbytes
FDDIXPress: FDDIXPress, 6.5 FOUNDATION 2 1344 Kbytes
ftn77_dev: Fortran 77 Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 4319 Kbytes
ftn90_dev: Fortran 90 Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 6855 Kbytes
ftn_dev: Fortran Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 46975 Kbytes
ftn_eoe: Standard Execution Environment (Fortran Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1) FOUNDATION 1 55136 Kbytes
galileo: Galileo Video Execution Environment, 6.5 Galileo Video Execution Environment* 3143 Kbytes
gateway: Internet Gateway Execution Environment, 3.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1339 Kbytes
gl_dev: Graphics Library Development System, 6.5 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 37562 Kbytes
gnu: GNU Software configured & precompiled for IRIX, 1.0 FOUNDATION 2 46140 Kbytes
hwguides_eoe: Hardware Owner's Guides, 1.1 FOUNDATION 2 45891 Kbytes
ifl_dev: Image Format Library Development Environment, 1.2.1 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 8840 Kbytes
ifl_eoe: Image Format Library Execution Only Environment, 1.2.1 FOUNDATION 2 8111 Kbytes
iforark: LicensePower/iFOR IS4.0.1 ARK 6.5 APPLICATIONS 4051 Kbytes
iforcrk: LicensePower/iFOR IS4.0.1 CRK 6.5 APPLICATIONS 579 Kbytes
il_eoe: ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 3.2.1 FOUNDATION 2 19546 Kbytes
imgtools: ImageVision Tools, 3.2.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2495 Kbytes
impactcomp: IMPACT Compression Execution Environment 6.5 IMPACT Compression Execution Environment* 2518 Kbytes
impactvideo: IMPACT Video Execution Environment, 6.5 IMPACT Video Execution Environment* 3487 Kbytes
impr_base: Impressario 2.2.5 Base 6.5 APPLICATIONS 3052 Kbytes
impr_dev: Impressario 2.2.5 Developer's Kit DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 9921 Kbytes
impr_print: Impressario 2.2.5 Print Server 6.5 APPLICATIONS 5498 Kbytes
impr_rip: Impressario 2.2.5 PostScript Renderer (Requires Optional Impressario License) 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2360 Kbytes
impr_rip_printers: Impressario 2.2.5 Host RIP Printers 6.5 APPLICATIONS 7098 Kbyte
impr_scan: Impressario 2.2.5 Scanner Software 6.5 APPLICATIONS 326 Kbytes
infosearch: Information Searching Execution Environment, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 36832 Kbytes
InPerson: InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 2.2.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 4505 Kbytes
insight: InSight Online Doc Viewer, 3.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 7165 Kbytes
insight_base: InSight Online Doc Viewer Base Software, 3.1 FOUNDATION 1 9836 Kbytes
insight_gloss: IRIS InSight Online Glossary, 3.0 6.5 APPLICATIONS 372 Kbytes
inst_dev: Software Packager, 1.5 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 1570 Kbytes
inventor_dev: Inventor 3D Development Toolkit, 2.1.4 Inventor* 41770 Kbytes
inventor_eoe: Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.1.4 FOUNDATION 2 19734 Kbytes
inventor_games: Inventor Games, Release 1.3 Inventor* 13446 Kbytes
io4prom: IO4prom for 64bit OS systems, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 3089 Kbytes
ip32prom: Flash PROM for IP32 systems, 6.5 FOUNDATION 1 266 Kbytes
irix_dev: IRIX Development Examples, 6.5 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 1314 Kbytes
isdn_eoe: ISDN Execution Environment, 2.0 FOUNDATION 2 1603 Kbytes
javascript_eoe: JavaScript library execution only environment, 1.0 FOUNDATION 2 550 Kbytes
ava_dev: Java Development Environment 3.1 (Sun JDK 1.1.5) DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 20066 Kbytes
java_eoe: Java Execution Environment 3.1 (Sun JRE 1.1.5) 6.5 APPLICATIONS 10078 Kbytes
langtools: Source Code Utilities 1.0 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 507 Kbytes
license_dev: License Development Environment 3.3 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 1802 Kbytes
license_eoe: License Tools 3.3 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1402 Kbytes
macromedia: Macromedia Movie Player, 1.4.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1776 Kbytes
mbase_client: WebFORCE MediaBase 2.1 - Client 6.5 APPLICATIONS 6516 Kbytes
media_warehouse: IRIX Interactive Desktop MediaWarehouse 1.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 550 Kbytes
modules: Modules package 2.2.1 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 253 Kbytes
motif_books: OSF Motif developer books, 1.2.3 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 14068 Kbytes
motif_dev: IRIX IM Development Software, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4) DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 28608 Kbytes
motif_eoe: IRIX IM Execution Only Environment, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4) FOUNDATION 1 8098 Kbytes
nedit: NEdit V4.0.3i - GUI style editor 6.5 APPLICATIONS 687 Kbytes
netscape: Netscape Communicator Client, 4.51 6.5 APPLICATIONS 19318 Kbytes
netscape_dev: Netscape Communicator Developer's Environment, 4.05 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 17 Kbytes
netscape_lite: Netscape Navigator Client, 4.05 6.5 APPLICATIONS 15702 Kbytes
netwr_client: NetWare Client 1.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1564 Kbytes
nfs: Network File System, 6.5 ONC3/NFS version 3* 11604 Kbytes
ns_admin: Netscape Administration Server, 2.13 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2351 Kbytes
ns_fasttrack: Netscape Fasttrack Personal Server, 2.01 6.5 APPLICATIONS 14112 Kbytes
ocs_client: WebFORCE MediaBase 2.1 - OCS Client Execution Only Environment 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2439 Kbytes
outbox: OutBox Personal Web Site, 1.5 6.5 APPLICATIONS 456 Kbytes
OutOfBox: O2 OutOfBox Experience, version 2.2 O2 Out Of Box Experience* 4515 Kbytes
patchSG0003131: Patch SG0003131: 7.2.1 base compiler runtime environment for IRIX 6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5 INSTALLATION TOOLS 16761 Kbytes
patchSG0003139: Patch SG0003139: libmp rollup INSTALLATION TOOLS 2023 Kbytes
patchSG0003140: Patch SG0003140: 7.2.1 FORTRAN runtime for IRIX 6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5 - REQUIRED FOR F90 INSTALLATION TOOLS 146809 Kbytes
pcnfsd: PC-NFS 2.0.2 Server Components ONC3/NFS version 3* 53 Kbytes
pcp_eoe: Performance Co-Pilot Execution Only Environment, 2.0 FOUNDATION 2 3428 Kbytes
PeoplePages: PeoplePages - The Indigo Magic Phonebook, 1.2.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 620 Kbytes
performer_demo: Performer2.2.1 Demos and Demo Data FOUNDATION 2 9109 Kbytes
performer_eoe: Performer2.2.1 Execution Environment FOUNDATION 2 77908 Kbytes
print: Printing Tools, Release 1.7.5 6.5 APPLICATIONS 2073 Kbytes
ProDev: ProDev WorkShop 2.6 Tutorial DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 33729 Kbytes
react: REACT/PRO IRIX Realtime Extensions, Release 3.2 React* 1546 Kbytes
Register: On-Line Registration, 1.4 6.5 APPLICATIONS 3060 Kbytes
roboinst: RoboInst Tools for Automatic Installations 1.0 INSTALLATION TOOLS 586 Kbytes
sgips: Adobe Photoshop Performance Package, 1.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 206 Kbytes
sgitcl_eoe: SGI Tcl Execution Environment, 1.1 FOUNDATION 2 6219 Kbytes
sgsearch: Fulltext Indexing & Search Environment, 2.0 6.5 APPLICATIONS 300 Kbytes
showcase: IRIS Showcase 3.4.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 29221 Kbytes
sirius: Sirius Video Execution Environment, 6.5 Sirius Video Execution Environment* 2395 Kbytes
sitemgr: SiteMgr - Web Content Administration, 1.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 1931 Kbytes
SpeedShop: Developer Magic: SpeedShop 1.3 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 5304 Kbytes
sysadmdesktop: IRIX Interactive Desktop System Administration, 6.5 APPLICATIONS 7974 Kbytes
sysmon: Desktop System Monitor, 2.1.2 6.5 APPLICATIONS 525 Kbytes
tooltalk_dev: ToolTalk 1.3 Development Environment Tooltalk* 4626 Kbytes
tooltalk_eoe: ToolTalk 1.3 Execution Only Environment FOUNDATION 1 3093 Kbytes
trix_eoe: Trusted IRIX Execution Environment, 6.5 Trusted IRIX* 2704 Kbytes
vfc: Video Format Compiler, 1.2 FOUNDATION 2 907 Kbytes
ViewKit_dev: ViewKit Development Environment, Version 1.5.2 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 14055 Kbytes
ViewKit_eoe: ViewKit Execution Environment, Version 1.5.2 FOUNDATION 1 2899 Kbytes
vlan: VLAN software 1.0 for IRIX 6.5 APPLICATIONS 66 Kbytes
websetup: Web Setup and Administration, 3.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 752 Kbytes
websupport_eoe: WebSupport 1.3 eoe FOUNDATION 1 2776 Kbytes
webviewer: WebViewer library execution only environment, 3.0 6.5 APPLICATIONS 4722 Kbytes
webviewer_dev: WebViewer library development environment, 3.0 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 11951 Kbytes
Welcome: Customer Welcome, Jun. 98 INSTALLATION TOOLS
windview: WindView system visualization for IRIX, 1.2 React* 3636 Kbytes
WorkShop: Developer Magic: WorkShop 2.6.5 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 62098 Kbytes
WorkShopMPF: WorkShop Pro MPF CASE products, Version 2.8 DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 9349 Kbytes
xlators_3d: 3D File Translators 1.1.1 6.5 APPLICATIONS 5191 Kbytes
x_books: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. developer books, X11R5 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 6563 Kbytes
x_dev: X11 Development Environment, 3.8 based on X11R6.3 DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIES 8369 Kbytes
x_eoe: X11 Execution Environment, 3.8 based on X11R6.3 FOUNDATION 1 50344 Kbytes
If you are going through the Before You Install checklist, return to Step 6.